As a wife and stay-at-home mommy of two, I've quickly come to realize that motherhood is a 24/7, 365 days-a-year sort of job. Follow as I write about all that I'm learning in my new "profession"....and anything else I feel like sharing ;) * Please feel free to submit your email address in the bar below so that you can get updates when I post something new! :)
Friday, January 24, 2014
Back to Blogging I Go???
As many of you may already know, I used to blog. As in, I think I posted like 3 blog entries before I gave up. And when I say I "gave up," I mean that I had a baby. That baby is now a 1-year old (see picture below), and I think we're finally settling in to our new normal.... which is a great thing, because we're now expecting a THIRD baby this coming summer. Kidding. Well, I'm not joking about the new baby coming in July. That's really happening, Lord willing. I'm kidding about it taking a year to adjust to our last baby. It took about 9 months, which incidentally, is when I got pregnant with this third little gremlin. You think we're nuts, don't you? That's ok. So do we. We also really like kids. But then again, most people don't run around saying, "I actually really despise children." That would get you a lot of hairy eyeballs. By the way, I have absolutely no idea where that expression came from. Thank heavens for Google. I'll have to add it to my list of "Things That Must Be Googled," which already includes "spider veins in pregnancy," "how to know if your phone is being tapped," and "how to get fabric paint off the wall." But back to the kid thing. I told my husband before we were married that my ultimate goal in life is to drive a great big full-size van. One of those 15 passenger monstrosities that are usually purchased second-hand for the church youth group. That's my dream. And you know what? My in-laws actually have one of those vans, which could be why I hunted down Eric and assumed he's be game for it, himself. He is, just so you know; I'm not one of those Dr. Phil head cases who repeatedly flushes the birth control without her husband's knowledge. I'd never do that. I do, however, have a picture of a big van on the vision board I made like 10 years ago. You have no clue what a vision board is, do you? Allow me to explain-- you cut out all these pictures from magazines of things you'd hope to have in life. You glue them on a poster board, then hide the finished project in your closet, because you know everyone will make fun of you if they find out you've got a picture of Ashton Kutcher on there. Let' me clarify. It's not that I wanted to marry Ashton Kutcher or anything. Well, let me take that back. I would have been ok with marrying him. Probably more than ok with marrying him. It was more that Ashton stood for the type of person I hoped to marry-- funny and with a cool haircut. Now that I think of it, Eric is nothing like Ashton Kutcher. Darn-it. So that's a vision board. But the big van? I'm still holding on to hope for that one. You're wondering if I've realized that all three of my kids, ages 3 and 18 months when the new baby is born, will all be in car seats at the same time. No, as a matter of fact, that didn't dawn on me until just this very second. Yikes. I'm going to have my hands full. That's a condescending little expression I hate, mostly because it's often accompanied by a snort and an eye roll. It's as though the person saying it assumes I never considered the headache that comes with hoisting three whole squirmy little children into car seats. And true, I didn't think of that. But it doesn't mean I can't do it. Play the piano with my toes while gargling battery acid: I don't think I could do that. But kids and vehicle-loading? Totally doable. I hope. ;)

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I'm so glad your back to blogging!! I love your funny writtings. They let me know I am not the only crazy mama out there. BTW We will have 5 in carseats, although technically at 8 Leah doesn't have to be in a booster, she does not meet the weight requirements and I am not comfortabl with the way the belt hits her, plus she gets carsick when she cant see out the window and who has time to clean vomit out of the floor mats. Every day I am inching closer to that dream passenger van(again thankul I am not the only crazy lady) and once Micah is born we will have to have something bigger. Love reading your thoughts as always!!